Laper Auto Detailing

Laper Auto Detailing

7489 Salinas Trail, Youngstown, OH 44512


About Laper Auto Detailing

Laper Auto Detailing is Youngstown. You can find contact details, reviews, address here. Laper Auto Detailing is located at 7489 Salinas Trail, Youngstown, OH 44512. They are 3.7 rated Youngstown with .

Laper Auto Detailing is your local mobile car wash and car detailing service that covers the greater Youngstown, Akron, Canton, and Cleveland areas. We come to you which means you can watch your vehicle receive its interior and exterior detailing from your house. We specialize in mobile auto washing which means our pricing and options are both affordable and clear cut. Our different levels of service include anything from a wash and wax, to steam cleaning and sanitizing the interior, to a full carpet and seat shampoo to maximize stain and odor removal. Each one of our packages comes with a thorough wheel and tire cleaning, a glossy tire dressing, and a bucket hand wash on your exterior while your interior is brought back to life

Laper Auto Detailing Timings

Looking to visit Laper Auto Detailing at 7489 Salinas Trail, Youngstown, OH 44512? Consider checking the weekdays schedule timings before going.
